Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Song: "Singgalang Induak"

Alternative Title: What some people identify as "Singgalang Induak" is the song I learned from Martis as "Singgalang Alai," and what others call the new "Singgalang Alai." To complicate matters further, I did encounter a different tune also called "Singgalang Induak" at a Rabab Darek Recording Session  at Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia, February 9, 2004. Again, I will reflect the terms that people used, indicating overlap in tune structure. When someone's "Singgalang Induak" resembles the tune I learned as "Singgalang Alai" I will also mark it as "Singgalang Alai [new]." 
Translation of Title: "Induak" means "mother," mostly a term used in the context of animals. In saluang, it is also used to refer to the primary pantun, with the secondary pantun being "anak" (child). So in this context, it makes sense to call this the "Singgalang Mother," when it functions as one of the first songs delivered in a saluang performance or after a break. "Singgalang" in the title refers not just to place affiliation but to the category of songs called Singgalang.
Composer: Unknown.
Type of song: Singgalang.
Place affiliations: This whole category of song is named after the place, the nagari and mountain called Singgalang.Source: Te E's List of Songs.

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