Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Song: "Suntiang Patah Batikam"

Translation of Title: "Headdress Broken by Stabbing." "Suntiang" is an elaborate Minangkabau style of headdress historically made from gold,"patah" means "broken," and "batikam" means "to stab (with sharp object)."
Composer: Mak Sawir
Category: Ratok.
Place affiliations: Lake Maninjau.
Kecamatan: Tanjuang Raya.
Luak: Agam.
Darek or Rantau: Darek.
Source: Te E's List, Mardjani's List
Description: According to Martis, this song title is referencing the concept of competing love interests over a woman. At the moment of her marriage--referenced by the fact she is wearing a suntiang--the two men fight over her. She tries to calm them, her suntiang falling in the process, but her efforts are unsuccessful. With great resentment in his heart, the rejected man thrusts the suntiang into her, stabbing and ultimately killing her with it. The betrothed and the jilted man fight it out until their deaths. The pantun for this song, then, are tied to the theme of disappointment and resentment (personal conversation during lessons, February 5, 2004).

You will note as you read song lyrics for different renditions of this song that the lyrics do not expressly involve this story. More that this story provides a backdrop for the sentiment as padendang use their own stock verses for this song or create them anew in the course of performance. 

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