Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Song: "Lawang Ambun Pagi"

Alternative Title: "Ambun Pagi"
Translation of Title: This song is named for the specific locale, Ambun Pagi, which overlooks Lake Maninjau. "Ambun Pagi" means "Dew of the Morning." From the place called Ambun Pagi, one would have a view of the misty morning unfolding over the lake with the sun rising behind. "Lawang" is inserted in the title to suggest both an affiliation to place, nagari Lawang (which is near Ambun Pagi), and the style of song from Lawang.
Composer: Unknown.
Type of song: Ratok.
Place affiliations: Ambun Pagi, a specific area. Source: Mardjani's List of Songs, Pak Ketua.
Description: Martis told me the theme for the pantun should be about sadness in love. This is a fitting subject for a ratok. 

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