Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Song: "Pandakian Silaing"

Alternative Title: Probably "Singgalang Pandakian Silaing" as it is one of only two songs Mardjani lists as a Ratok Singgalang.
Translation of Title: "Pandakian" can mean "1 ascent, climbing. 2 pass (in mountains). 3 slope, incline, rise." In this context, it likely means the slopes of Batagak, so the song is connected with the place, the area of Padang Panjang called Silaing, which is nestled on the slopes of the mountainous pass coming up from the coastal plain.
Composer: Unknown.
Type of song: Ratok.
Place affiliations: Silaing is an area of Padang Panjang.Source: Mardjani's List of Songs.

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