Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Song: "Ratok Sabu"

Alternative Title: "Sabu"
Translation of Title: "Ratok of Sabu," a song named for the place, nagari Sabu.
Composer: Unknown.
Type of song: Ratok.
Place affiliations: Source: Mardjani's List of SongsMartis, Pak Ketua.
Description: The introduction for this song is similar to imbauan Singgalang, the introduction used for all Singgalang songs. The structure of the remainder of the song shares some other structural similarities, but according to Martis the similarity is not intentional, but more a result of relative proximity of place: Sabu is a nagari about 9 miles away from nagari Singgalang on the opposite side of the valley between Mt. Singgalang and Mt. Marapi. The theme for pantun is a lament by someone from Sabu about the loss of someone close, such as a husband or friend.

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