Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Repertoire: Sariak Laweh July 25, 2016

This performance was unique in that of all the malam bagurau attached to weddings that I attended in 2016, it alone involved a mix of musical styles: saluang klasik, the reason I attended, saluang orgen (songs, many of which are from dendang repertoire, accompanied by saluang and synethsizer), and orgen (just a vocalist and synethsizer). If a dendang is performed on saluang orgen or orgen, it is from the gembira category, the synthesizer providing a consistent rhythmic backdrop. The timeline for this performance, therefore, has a few more categories. It represents style first and foremost so the user can appreciate the relative amounts of time in each style. Within the saluang klasik style, dendang are represented by their type. When the songs are performed in the style of saluang orgen or orgen, then the type of song is specified in the description. See the following page for analysis on relative amounts of time on each style and each type of song.  

  1. Musical Item: Imbauan Saluang
  2. Musical Item: Imbauan Singgalang
  3. Song: "Singgalang Induak"/ "Singgalang Alai [new"]: nobody identified the title for me so I don't know for sure what to call it, but as Sri was one of the performers and she used the title "Singgalang Induak" for the same tune a few days before, I expect that she would identify the tune that way. 
  4. Song: Title Unknown
  5. Song: "Raimah Tanjuang"
  6. Song: "Singgalang Jaya"
  7. Song: "Singgalang Singgah"
  8. Song: "Danau Indah"
  9. Song: "Kawin Batambua"
  10. Song: "Pariaman Panjang"
  11. Song: "Indang Ramolai"
  12. Song: "Pariaman Laweh"
  13. Song: "Muaro Cinto"
  14. Song: Title Unknown
  15. Song: "Indang Sari Lamak"
  16. Song: Title Unknown
  17. Song: "Indang Sing Guliang"
  18. Song: Title Unknown
  19. Song: "Sungai Rimbang"
  20. Song: "Talago Biru"
  21. Song: "Lubuak Sao"
  22. Song: "Padang Magek"
  23. Song: "Pitaruah Ayah"
  24. Song: "Sirompak Taeh"
  25. Song: "Koto Tuo Tabek Sarojo"
  26. Song: "Suayan Maik Katurun"
  27. Song: "Kamang Patah Tigo"
  28. Song: "Bukik Apik Randang Kopi"
  29. Song: "Pasaman Ilia" 
  30. Song: "Indang Kurinci"
  31. Song: Title Unknown
  32. Song: "Lubuak Aluang"
  33. Song: "Sungai Pua Manurun"
  34. Song: "Tangkerang"
  35. Song: Title Unknown
  36. Musical Item: Imbauan Saluang
  37. Song: "Ampaian Santo"
  38. Song: "Kambang Aia Aji"
  39. Song: "Koto Tuo Patah Pucuak"
  40. Song: "Tigo Balai"
  41. Song: "Banda Sapuluah"
  42. Item: Talingkin, Song "Simarantang"
  43. Song: Title Unknown
  44. Song: Title Unknown
  45. Song: "Gali-Gali"
  46. Song: "Cimpago Biru"
  47. Song: Title Unknown
  48. Song: "Bujang Marando"
  49. Song: "Siriah Langkok"
  50. Item: Jalu-Jalu

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