Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Rendition: "Suayan Maik Ka Turun" 07/25/2016

Song: "Suayan Maik Ka Turun"
Performance: Sariak Laweh, July 25, 2016
Context: Malam Bagurau for a wedding
Style: Saluang klasik
Type of Song: Ratok
People:Duration: 4.14

Structure: This version has 3 pantun. The first pantun has just 2 lines for each half, repeating the last line in each half to make it fit the melodic shape. The second and third pantun have 3 lines in each half. 


Pantun #1: Te E


Di baliak bukik Sarang Alang
Suayan di tapi rimbo x2


Dibalik bukit Sarang Elang
Suayan di tapi hutan


Behind the hill Sarang Alang
Suayan is by the side of the forest



Pambaleh jaso rang nan hilang 
Siang-siangi pusaronyo


Mengingat orang yang sudah meninggal 
Bersihkan juga kuburan. 


Recalling people who have passed away
Clean up the grave sites.  

Interpretation of Pantun 1

Type of Pantun: Pantun nasehat
Batang: The batang mentions specific places and Suayan's placement by the side of the forest. The two places referenced attach the song firmly to Suayan.  
Isi: The isi is considered to cover nasehat: remember your loved ones and take care of their graves. The content is also directly linked with the song title. This is an example of a pantun baku affiliated with this specific song as it should always be used in this song. 

Pantun #2: Si Sri


Sariak Laweh Koto Malintang                             
Tibo kian Sungai Balantiak
Ai "Suayan" kami ka nyanyikan  


Sariak Laweh, Koto Malintang
Sebelah sana lagi Sungai balantiak
Oi, "Suayan" lagu kami akan nyanyikan. 


Sariak Laweh, Koto Malintang
On the other side there is Sungai Balantiak
Oh, “Suayan” this is the song we’ll sing



Adang-adang badan den pulang
Taserak tangih turun naik
Nan kontan bana nan tak ado. 


Sering pulang ke rumah
Menanggis mask ke rumah, turun dari rumah
karena urang yg dikasihi tidak ada lagi.


Come home often (to one's kampung)             
Crying when going in and out of the house
Because those who are loved are all gone.

Interpretation of Pantun 2

Type of Pantun: pantun parasaian.
Batang: The batang is largely about places, including those that one must pass through on the road from Payokumbuah to Suayan, including Sariak Laweh, Koto Malintang, and Sungai Balantiak. As is typical of batang, there is also a reference to the title of the song that will be delivered, though rather than the full title it is simply "Suayan." This is the third line of the pantun, an additional line to the two lines delivered in the first pantun by Te E. 
Isi: This isi is about homecoming and loss encountered after being away.   

Pantun #3: Ika


Rang Canduang di ma balai den 
Di baliak balai si Fatima 
Di bawa kayu nan rondok 


Urang Canduang di mana balai
Di balik balai si Fatima
Di bawah pohon yang besar


The person from Canduang asks where the balai (hall) is
Behind the balai of Fatima
Beneath the big tree



Rang kampuang di ma mandeh den                    
Nan den silau indak di rumah                           
Janjang rabah pintu basaok.    


Urang kampung di mana itu saya
Yang saya lihat dia tidak dalam rumah
Jenjang rusak, pinti ditutup. 


People from the village, where is my mother?
I see she is not in her house
The steps have disintegrated, the door is closed.

Interpretation of Pantun 3

As we listened to the recording of this rendition, Pak Ketua anticipated the isi, saying this batang is coupled with the isi in this case, suggesting the whole pantun is a pantun baku.    
Type of Pantun: pantun parasaian.
Batang: The batang makes a reference to place, interestingly a place further away from Suayan and neighboring nagari referenced in the first two pantun. 
Isi: The sense of sadness and loss is extremely strong in this isi. This text implies that a man has come home after a long time, to find the house all abandoned and his mother deceased. 


Content: This rendition featured pantun baku strongly affiliated with this specific song. Two of the three pantun were parasaian, connected with loss, including connection to place and death of love ones. This is fitting not only for a ratok but this specific title connected with burying a loved one.
Sense of Place: In each of the batang, specific places were mentioned, most of them connected with Suayan and neighboring areas. 

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