Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Performance: Padang Panjang, April 10, 2004

Date: April 10, 2004
Time: around noon 
Place: Padang Panjang
Style: Saluang Dangdut
Occasion: Wedding. This performance took place at a wedding during the main celebration during the day. As Martis told me in advance of the event, it is "entertainment to greet the guests." The hosts for this particular event were related to famous padendang, Syamsimar. This might help explain why the hosts chose saluang dangdut for the daytime celebration rather than more common popular styles. 

Set up: A full stage was erected in the yard of a house across the street from the host's house. A canopy was also erected stretching across the two spaces. Part of it housed the team welcoming guests. The other part covered tables and chairs where guests would sit to eat. 

Performers:Audience: Nobody attended just to listen to the music. They were there as wedding guests: the music was the entertainment. 
Ethnographers: Jennifer 

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