Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Performance: Ngalau, July 31, 2015

Date: July 31-August 1, 2015
Time: Just before midnight
Place: Ngalau
Style: The part of performance I witnessed involved a mix of saluang klasik and orgen. The evening should have involved saluang orgen, but the saluang player engaged for the evening had not shown up by the time we arrived and so the man playing the synthesizer when we arrived did double duty and switched to saluang. 
Occasion: Bagurau Lapiak
Set up: This setting was more clearly a permanent structure, like a kedai (a coffee shop) with a permanent stage at the front near the entrance, roughly hewn tables, chairs, and benches for seating, and a kitchen at the back, opposite the singers, which served drinks. The space, I later learned, was specially built to host saluang performances. Compared to the performance in the market from which Pak Ketua and I had just come, this stage was spacious, with all performers seated and equipment located on the stage. The audience was also closer to the performers than the night's previous performance, providing a more intimate atmosphere akin to saluang performances at weddings. 

Jennifer & Pak Ketua
Attendance: We arrived just before midnight, departing around 1a.m.
Notes: This was the second performance and the second bagurau lapiak we attended that evening. 

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