Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Genre: Saluang Sirompak

The saluang sirompak is a bamboo flute from Taeh, an area nearby the city of Payokumbuah.The genre is associated with mysticism. One of the most well-known uses is a man who has an unrequited love interest, playing it in order to win over her affections. Upon hearing the flute, she becomes enamored. The saluang sirompak is an oblique flute. It is a long bamboo tube, like the saluang darek, with a beveled edge, four finger holes on the front of the instrument and one on the back. It is longer than the saluang darek. 

The following is an example of the genre, generously shared by Philip Yampolsky from his field recordings. This genre is quite rare so we are grateful to be able to hear a sample. As you listen to the example, you will notice that the saluang sirompak has a very distinctive quality, a very breathy sound. The register heard here is higher than the register used for the most part on the saluang darek, making the sirompak sound very distinctive. The tuning and melodic structure of the song is also noticeably distinct from the saluang darek songs featured here.  

Here is an example of how saluang sirompak has been incorporated into the repertoire of saluang darek.

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