Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Tracking the Repertoire Performed

Where possible, I have kept track of all the different song titles I heard when I attended performances or recording sessions. It is one way to track the songs that are activated in performance, including which songs are performed more frequently, which songs are rarely performed, and which were part of the repertoire in 2003-2004 but were not encountered in 2015-2016. 

Keep in mind that these lists and comparisons are representative and partial at best--they are representative only of my experiences, not the genre writ large. They are reflective of the performances I attended, the parts of the performance for which I was present (the beginning, the end, the entirety), where those performances happened, and who the performers and their audiences were (which affects which titles were requested and delivered). See more about all the variables in the the Flexible Structure of Performances. 

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