Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Repertoire: Pariangan, February 10, 2004

A timeline for this performance has not been included because the performance was not recorded due to a poor sound system. I have no record of how long the songs lasted, only notes about what songs were performed during the time I was present. 
  1. Introductory Material: Imbauan Saluang
  2. Introductory Material: Imbauan Singgalang
  3. Song: "Singgalang Cancang"
  4. Song: "Kapompong"
  5. Song: "Cancang Kambiang"
  6. Song: "Pariaman Panjang" 
  7. Song: "Indang Kurinci"
  8. Song: "Singgalang Parak Kina"
  9. Song: "Mudiak Suak"
  10. Song: "Salawaik Dulang"
  11. Song: "Balam jo Rantiang"
  12. Song: "Indang Payokumbuah" 
  13. Song: "Pacamotir" 
  14. Song: "Pariaman Lamo"
  15. Song: "Tigo Giriak"
  16. Song: "Jaho Tambangan"
  17. Song: "Jambatan Tangah" 
  18. Song: "Lintau Basiang"
  19. Item: Talingkin


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