Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Style: Saluang Lamak

Definition: "Saluang that is lamak." "Lamak" which means "nice" or "tasty." I believe this term has been applied to this style because it is the "purist" form of saluang, targeted towards true aficionados. It is similar to saluang klasik in many respects, with two main distinctions: 
  1. It it performed inside houses. 
  2. No amplification is used. 
Performer line up: The most conventional line-up involves: Economics: I suspect this would operate in similar ways to engage performers for a saluang klasik event: they are contracted and specifically engaged for the event. They are paid an advance as part of the informal contract, and the remainder is delivered during the evening. 

Context: The primary context is for enjoyment, deep appreciation by a limited audience. I expect it is very limited invitation basis. 

Performance Space: Inside a house, limiting the size of the audience. 

Amplification: None. This is a distinguishing feature of the style, a way of harkening back to the old days. 

Repertoire: My guess would be that the repertoire focuses almost exclusively on the classics, none of the pop imports and none of the porno lyrics. 

Time frame: I suspect these kinds of performances have always happened, but I expect the "revival" of the original performance style has been an objection to the many changes saluang performances experienced in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 

Region: Probably focused on the darek, because performances further afar you would want to entertain a larger crowd.

Note: I have never personally witnessed one of these performances, but I was invited to one in 2015 where Te E was singing. Unfortunately, I had no way of getting there and home again. 

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