Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Introduction to Place

Place--where one is situated, where one lives, works and travels--governs people's experience. Much of my time in the highlands of West Sumatra has been spent in the highland town of Padang Panjang, surrounded by the peaks of Mt. Tandikek and Mt. Singgalang to the northeast and Mt. Marapi to the northwest. Often, those mountains were covered in cloud, but when the peaks were revealed, I reveled in their beauty. Many Minangkabau people experience these mountains on a regular basis but their experiences are likely structured by different views, such as living in Koto Baru directly between them or in Bukittinggi where they are located to the south. My experience, my knowledge of Mt. Singgalang is specific to my location. 

The experience of place in West Sumatra, as anywhere, is condition by personal experience, collection of places lived or traveled over a lifetime, the visits to see people or performances located in specific places, and the roads traveled to get there.

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