Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Roles in Saluang

This section introduces you to the people involved in saluang, the people who make the genre come alive. This includes the padendang (the singers), tukang saluang (the flute players), the janang (the emcees), and the pagurau (the people who attend performances). 

Historically, all the performers were exclusively male. At some point--and here the estimates vary--women started participating as padendang. I have yet to see a tukang saluang who identifies as a woman. In 2003-4, male padendang, like Mak Ajis or Mak Sawir, were still participating. By 2015-16, I didn't encounter any male padendang still actively singing. 

The gender make up of the audience depends very much on the context for performance, the occasion, and the location. At the beginning of the evening it is not uncommon to see a healthy mix of men and women, but as nights wear on, the gender balance shifts to predominately male. This gender balance structures the interactions between female singers and male audiences. If you are interested in that story, go [INSERT LINK]. 

Choose one of the roles below to begin your exploration to learn a little about the role. You can learn more about specific people within that role or continue to next role. 

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