Song in the Sumatran Highlands

Context: Community Celebrations

There are a wide range of occasions celebrated by a community that could incorporate saluang. Some that I have encountered include: Some of these events are held explicitly as fundraisers for a community project (Pariangan, February 10, 2004) and others might include collecting fiscal contributions to offset costs of putting on the event (Kampung Jambak, December 2, 2003). If attendees are paying for requests, then a janang is always involved. At these events, refreshments may be available nearby, but pagurau need to purchase for themselves. 

Economics: Even if one of these events are designated as a fundraiser, the performers for all these occasions are contracted and paid a fixed fee. Unlike bagurau lapiak, they are not working for tips: funds raised go the designated cause. 

Space: These performances do not take place in the yards of private homes, rather they happen in spaces accessible to the targeted community, including by the side of the street, in an open area, in institutional buildings, 

Musical Style: The context does not circumscribe the musical style, but all those I witnessed involved saluang klasik

Behavior: Most of these performances followed mainstream Minangkabau standards of decorum. They are more jovial and interactive, however, if there is a janang present. At some events, men might play games in the background, present for the sociality of the evening as much as for the music. 

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